Tadelakt fireplace finished in a flat Nano sealer

Venetian plaster offers several potential home, health and environmental benefits compared to other material’s:

 1. Improved Air Quality: Traditional Venetian plaster is made from natural materials such as lime, marble dust, and other minerals. These materials allow walls to breathe, preventing moisture buildup and reducing the risk of mold and mildew growth, which can contribute to respiratory issues.


2. Non-Toxic: High-quality Venetian plaster formulations are free from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other harmful chemicals commonly found in many paint products. This means fewer harmful emissions and a healthier indoor environment for you and your family.


3. Hypoallergenic: Venetian plaster's natural composition makes it hypoallergenic, ideal for those with allergies or sensitivities to synthetic materials and chemicals often found in conventional wall finishes.


4. Temperature Regulation: Venetian plaster has inherent thermal properties, helping to regulate indoor temperatures by absorbing excess heat during warmer months and releasing it slowly during cooler periods. This can contribute to a more comfortable and energy-efficient living space.


5. Durability: Unlike some synthetic wall coverings that degrade over time and release harmful particles into the air, Venetian plaster is highly durable and long-lasting. Its resistance to cracking and chipping means fewer disruptions and potential exposure to airborne particles.


Overall, choosing Venetian plaster for your walls can contribute to a healthier indoor environment, promoting well-being and comfort for you and your loved ones.